Firstly, you need to know what are the Pokemon Tag-Team cards or GX cards? Smaller mascot Pokémon combine with larger mascots, usually legendary giants in the cards of tag-team Pokémon. These partners give the players strong attacks alongside enormous HP reservoirs, and as they are basic, they do not have to develop. Though they give your competitor three reward cards, you win if you have six of them, once beaten, generating them a highly risky yet highly winning gamble.
Nonetheless, their outstanding stability assists them to survive. Moreover, if you are already on your last or second-last prize card, there is no harm as compared to an ordinary GX giant. Wondering which duos reign the best? These are the top 10 excellent tag-teams in the Pokémon trading card game!
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1. Pokemon Tag Team Card: Lucario & Melmetal GX

- Steel
- Lucario and Melmetal have a strong HP total of 260
- Resistance to the Psychic
- Three great moves that can totally profit from a Double Colorless
- Full Metal Wall provides a lasting shield
- Steel Fist is an incredible opening shot, obtaining a subtle 50 damage, however, connecting Steel energy from your cards deck to Lucario, rapidly composing for your following move
- Heavy Impact just lands 150, but if everything gets on well, you can utilize it on your second turn. Play the Double Colorless on the first move, utilize Steel Fist and then combine a Metal Energy card from your hand on your following move
- It does not deal with the destruction, but it just requires one energy and decreases the pain of your suffering Steel-types by 30 throughout the match
- By attaching only one extra energy, you can remove all energy from your competitor’s active Pokémon, confirming they are weekly prepared to react to your intense attack.
Ramp, destruction, and protection, this card provides you all in one. Lucario and Melmetal have continued to be the best tag-team yet.
2. Gardevoir & Sylveon GX

- Fairy
- A nice 260 HP
- Low retreat price
- Resistance to Dark
- Three incredible attacks
- Kaleidostorm requires three energies. Unfortunately, it does not have sufficient slots for a Double Colorless, however, attains a solid 150 while allowing you to alter energy throughout your squad as you want.
- This works for a pattern for GX attack Magical Miracle, which reaches 200
- If you possess three extra energy, get your competitor to shuffle their complete hand into their deck, a fierce addition that precisely puts them empty-handed
- Then, once you have restrained your ultimate, switch your energy one more time with Kaleidostorm to distribute the extras throughout your team, assuring your extra is put to favorable benefit.
The Gardervoir’s card alliance is a nicely-rounded card with lots to love. Fairy Song just requires one energy of any kind and combines two Fairy energy from your deck to your not useful Pokémon, a good early ramp.
3. Reshiram & Charizard GX

- Fire
- No resistance
- A reasonable retreat cost of three
- You have obtained a fierce 270 HP
- This is particularly beneficial if we consider its Anger, which singes for 30 at the base, yet puts in 10 extra for every single destruction counter on Charizard, maximum at an insane 290.
- For more reliable destruction, Flare Strike strikes a fierce 230, nonetheless, you cannot utilize it twice in a row.
- GX move Double Blaze reaches 200, and if you possess three extra energy, puts in 100 more further immunity to any influences on the defending Pokémon.
- Two strong Fire-types attach for this scorching duo.
- Good to have available, however, there are more generous GX strikes with your more than stable base plays, and protect your one shot for another unit
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4. Pikachu & Zekrom GX

- Electric
- This tag-team just has two strikes
- 240 HP but likes Steel or Metal as the TCG names it
- Resistance
- Synergy with the famous “Thunder Mountain” card, which helps in reducing the cost of Electric attacks.
- Full Blitz attaches ramp with destruction, causing 150 and combining up to three Electric energy from the deck in your hand to any of your Pokémon
- Lay them all on Pikachu to earn the most of GX attack Tag Bolt which can shock for 200 and beat a benched enemy for 170 if you amass three extra energy.
In short, you only have earned two attacks. One of those attacks can just be utilized once. Moreover, it has modest HP, however, this is an excellent case of quality over quantity.
5. Celebi & Venusaur GX

- Grass
- Like Wailord, bulky Venusaur seizes four energy to retreat
- Offers no resistance, however, acknowledges a heavy HP reserve and also three powerful plays
- Pollen Hazard handles 50 damage and does the burning, poisoning, and helps in confusing its victim
- Solar Beam simply scores a modest 150 damage
- GX play Evergreen achieves 180 destructions, retreats all the damages from Venusaur. Plus, if you possess the extra energy in your hand, it shuffles your discard stack into your deck.
- Nonetheless, a promising card, use a Double Colorless to approach all the three moves with only one small resource.
Certainly, that is a considerable strike even without the additional help, thus, you can accomplish with only four energy on Venusaur.
6. Magikarp & Wailord GX

- Water
- Wailord undergoes a big retreat cost
- No resistance.
- Fulfills as a prime wall thanks to this amazing 300 HP. Honestly, that is half of the use of this guy.
- Throw him out to tank hits once you accumulate energy on your bench
Sadly, both attacks of Wailord’s card yearn a lot of energy, and each of them has to precisely be Water-element. However, if you can collect them, Super Splash totals 180 and GX attack. Shortly, there are more competent tag-team attackers in the deck, yet for true destruction absorption, you will not find anything else better.
7. Gengar & Mimikyu GX

- Psychic
- Mimikyu’s team simply keeps 240 HP which is less than most of the duos
- A low retreat cost
- Resistance to Fighting
- Moreover, he barely ever actually requires two energy
- Enough to fuel his attacks which also includes the bonus from the GX attacks
- Poltergeist discloses your competitor’s hand, negotiating 50 for each present trainer card
- As it is a bit unpredictable card, it is a strong early-game strike, particularly since it gives you information about the upcoming plays
Certainly, Gengar & Mimikyu GX is a strong and energy-efficient card, however, the lesser HP and weakness to Dark give rise to Mimikyu as helpless to “Zoroark GX,” which is one of the most prominent meta cards.
8. Pokemon Tag-Team Cards Latias & Latios GX

- Dragon
- Less HP than most of the team-ups
- No resistance
- Specific energy requirements
- Just one destroying attack
- A powerful GX move
- An extremely cheap retreat cost for one
- Buster Purge lands a vast 240 but causes you to remove three energy
- Luckily, GX move Aero Unit assists to restock
- Allows you to combine up to five basic energy from your discard stack to any of your Pokémon.
- If you amass only one extra energy, Latias and Latios serve entirely indestructible during your following move, a terrific stable move while you assemble for Buster Purge.
Overall, Latias and Latios GX is an engaging mixed bag.
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9. Pheromosa & Buzzwole GX

- Grass
- No resistance which is not good, however, Pheromosa’s duo has a good landing of two, giving rise to escape possible
- Jet Punch is relatively weak at only 30, yet it also causes 30 to a benched enemy.
- Can be approved with only one energy
- Elegant Sole scores an incredible 190 for three, however, its power gets to 60 when utilized sequentially. Thus, aim to revolve your attacks
- GX move Beast Game just scores for 50 but allows you to receive an extra prize card when you beat an opponent out. Or, three extra prize cards if you possess at least seven extra energy combined
That is a few prizes all in one, mostly against the enemy. Nonetheless, getting those eight energies will not be an easy task.
10. Eevee & Snorlax GX

- Normal
- Fierce 270 HP, so they will tank plenty of destruction before collapsing
- Since they approve any energy kind, they can fit in any deck. That’s why you never quite anticipate when you are going to face them.
- Cheer Up is a good ramp move, requiring only one energy to combine energy from your hand to any of the Pokémon in your possession
- Dump Truck Press seizes four energy, regardless, thanks to the Double Colorless resources and the Cheer Up, you can approach this on 2-3 turns and negotiate 120 damage, or 240 to the improved Pokémon.
Pokemon Tag-team cards possess rare yet extraordinary GX attacks. These Tag-team duos, and often trios, amass great HP and decent attacks. Although, if they are tossed out, the competitor gets to hold on to a whopping 3 Prize cards. With just 6 Prize cards to every single player, trainers have to be careful about when they choose to put in one of their most powerful Tag Team cards.